Revision 0.12
Red denotes a conflicting token definition, gray for deprecated (however quite possibly still in use), yellow for proposed, and blue for OK.
Name | Format | Comments |
ACCEPT | ACCEPT=<number> Examples:
| Indicates the maximum number of online nicknames a user may have in their accept list. First introduced in ircd-ratbox-3.0.9(r28737). |
AWAYLEN | AWAYLEN=[number] Examples:
| Indicates the maximum length of an away message. If |
CALLERID | CALLERID[=letter] Examples:
| Indicates that the |
| Indicates the method that’s used to compare equality of case-insensitive strings (such as nick/channel names). Typical values include |
CHANLIMIT | CHANLIMIT=<prefix:[number[,prefix:number[,...]]]> Examples:
| Indicates the maximum number of channels a client may join. Though a client shouldn’t assume that other clients are limited to what they receive here. If |
| Indicates the channel modes available and which types of arguments they do or do not take. See the linked Hardy draft for specifics. |
CHANNELLEN | CHANNELLEN=<number> Examples:
| Specifies the maximum length of a channel name that clients may join. |
CHANTYPES | CHANTYPES=[string] Examples:
| Indicates the types of channels supported on this server. These are channel type prefixes as specified in the RFC and as described by the “Channel Type Prefixes” list on this site. |
CHARSET | CHARSET=<string> Examples:
| Originally meant to specify the character encoding of messages sent by the server, but removed in a later version of the draft. It is meaningless nowadays and should be ignored. |
CLIENTVER | CLIENTVER=<number> Examples:
| Indicates presence of given IRC protocol version core capabilities. First introduced in ircd-charybdis-3.2(bde6442). |
| Indicates that the server supports the |
| Indicates that the server supports the |
DEAF | DEAF=<letter> Examples:
| Indicates that the server supports the |
ELIST | ELIST=<string> Examples:
| Indicates that the server supports search extensions to the |
ESILENCE | ESILENCE=[flags] Examples:
| Indicates that the server supports filtering extensions to the |
| Indicates that the server supports the |
EXCEPTS | EXCEPTS[=letter] Examples:
| Indicates that the server supports “ban exemptions”. The letter is OPTIONAL and defines the mode character which is used for this. When no letter is provided, it defaults to |
EXTBAN | EXTBAN=<[prefix],types> Examples:
| Indicates the types of “extended bans” that the server supports. |
FNC | FNC Examples:
| “Forced Nick Change”. Indicates that the server may change a user’s nickname without the user sending the server a |
INVEX | INVEX[=letter] Examples:
| Indicates that the server supports “invite exemptions”. The letter is OPTIONAL and defines the mode character, which is used for this. When no letter is provided, it defaults to |
KEYLEN | KEYLEN=<number> Examples:
| Indicates the maximum length of a channel key. First introduced in ircd-ratbox-3.1beta(r28741). |
KICKLEN | KICKLEN=[number] Examples:
| Indicates the maximum length of a kick message. If |
KNOCK | KNOCK Examples:
| Indicates support for the |
LINELEN | LINELEN=<number> Examples:
| Indicates the maximum allowed length of a single IRC message (line) in octets. The |
MAP | MAP Examples:
| Indicates support for the |
MAXBANS | MAXBANS=<number> Examples:
| Indicates the maximum number of bans that may be set on a channel. Also see MAXLIST. |
| Indicates the maximum number of channels a client may join. Which types of channels this limit does or doesn’t apply to is not made clear by the token. This limit may only apply to standard ( Also see CHANLIMIT. |
MAXLIST | MAXLIST=<mode:number[,mode:number[,...]]> Examples:
| Indicates how many “variable” modes of Also see CHANMODES. |
MAXNICKLEN | MAXNICKLEN=<number> Examples:
| Indicates the maximum length of a nickname that a client may use. Other clients on the network may have nicknames longer than this. |
MAXPARA | MAXPARA=<number> Examples:
| Indicates the maximum number of parameters to any command. Used by InspIRCd only, where the default is 32, above the RFC specified limit of 12. Other servers may have different limits without advertising this token. |
MAXTARGETS | MAXTARGETS=<number> Examples:
| Indicates the maximum number of targets for the Also see TARGMAX. |
METADATA | METADATA[=number] Examples:
| Indicates the maximum number of keys a user may have in their metadata. If |
MODES | MODES=[number] Examples:
| Indicates how many “variable” modes may be set on a channel by a single Also see CHANMODES. |
MONITOR | MONITOR=[number] Examples:
| Indicates the maximum number of targets a user may have in their monitor list. If Also see WATCH. |
| Indicates that the |
NETWORK | NETWORK=<string> Examples:
| For INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and indicates the name of the IRC network that the client is connected to. A client SHOULD NOT use this value to make assumptions about supported features on the server. |
NICKLEN | NICKLEN=<number> Examples:
| Indicates the maximum length of a nickname that a client may use. Other clients on the network may have nicknames longer than this. |
| Indicates that IRC operators may override modes and channel security. Used by InspIRCd only. |
PREFIX | PREFIX=[(modes)prefixes] Examples:
| Indicates the channel membership prefixes available on this server and their order in terms of channel privileges they represent, from highest to lowest. If the value is not specified, then NO channel membership prefixes are supported by this server. Various prefixes used in production are contained in the “Channel Membership Prefixes” list. |
| Indicates that the client may request a |
| Indicates that “secure listing” is enabled and that your initial request for a channel list on connect may be denied until you have been connected for a certain amount of time. Used by InspIRCd only. |
SILENCE | SILENCE=[number] Examples:
| Indicates the maximum number of entries a user may have in their silence list. The value is OPTIONAL and if not specified indicates that there is no limit. The |
SSL | SSL=<ip:port[;ip:port[;...]]> Examples:
| Indicates the ports and IP addresses SSL may be found on. Each ip and port pair are separated by a colon (:) character and multiple port/ip pairs are separated by semicolons (;). Used by InspIRCd up to 2.0, removed in 3.0. |
| Indicates that the server supports upgrading plaintext connections to encrypted ones through |
STATUSMSG | STATUSMSG=<string> Examples:
| Indicates that the server supports a method for the client to send a message via the Also see PREFIX. |
STD | STD=<string> Examples:
| Attempts to indicate the standard to which the ISUPPORT implementation is written. Whether this means tokens or simply syntax is not specified. This doesn’t seem to be that useful, given the age of all these specifications and how it is not officially specified nor used all that much. |
TARGMAX | TARGMAX=[cmd:[number][,cmd:[number][,...]]] Examples:
| Certain commands from a client MAY contain multiple targets. This token defines the maximum number of targets may be specified on each of these commands. The value is OPTIONAL and is a set of Also see MAXTARGETS. |
TOPICLEN | TOPICLEN=<number> Examples:
| Indicates the maximum length of a topic that a client may set on a channel. Channels on the network MAY have topics with longer lengths than this. |
| Indicates that the |
| Indicates support for the |
USERLEN | USERLEN=[number] Examples:
| Indicates the maximum length of an username in octets. If |
| Indicates that list mode sizes may vary from channel to channel. Used by InspIRCd only, always present before v3.4.0, removed in v4. |
VLIST | VLIST=<modes> Examples:
| Indicates that the specified list modes may be larger than the value specified in MAXLIST. Used by InspIRCd v3.4.0+. |
| Indicates that the server supports messaging channel operators, either through a command like Also see STATUSMSG. |
| Indicates that the server supports messaging channel voiced users, either through a command like Also see STATUSMSG. |
WATCH | WATCH=<number> Examples:
| Indicates the maximum number of nicknames a user may have in their watch list. The Also see MONITOR. |
WHOX | WHOX | Indicates that the server supports extended syntax of the |